The next morning my mom had a lot of work to do the first half of the day. So my dad and I played tennis, washed our car, and took my sister to the playground. Then we ate lunch and said goodbye to Yellowstone National Park. On the way to Grand Teton, our next stop, we saw a few more wild animals: A bison herd with calves, a herd of pronghorn, the fastest land animal in North America, and a bison rolling around on the ground on its back.
Majestic snowy mountains greeted us at Grand Teton. We wanted to get closer to them, so we took a trail through the forest and to Jackson Lake to see the mountains in all their glory. That was the only thing that had time to do because we had to rush to get to our hotel in time. It took almost 2 hours to get to our hotel because it was in Idaho, but Grand Teton is in Wyoming.
NEOWISE comet in Driggs
Because the hotel was in a more rural area, there wasn’t as much light pollution as there usually is in cities/towns. So I got up at around midnight with my dad to see the neowise comet.
It was discovered on March 27, 2020. 70 days after that date it will disappear for 6,800 years! The comet was so cool, especially from the binoculars! We also saw Jupiter and Saturn!
Hiking in Grand Teton
The next morning leaving our hotel we saw skunk, thankfully from our car. In Grand Teton that day we started with some hiking.
We crossed Jenny Lake in a shuttle to get to the trails we were interested in. The first trail was to Hidden falls. After a bit of walking we came right up to a waterfall, but realized that Hidden Falls was still further up ahead from the trail pointers. Hidden Fall were framed by tall pine trees and mountains, creating a perfect landscape. After Hidden Falls we hiked the trail to Inspiration point.
This one took a lot of walking up, but it was 100% worth it. From a 7,200 ft. elevation you could see evergreen pine trees, snow capped mountains, Jenny Lake, a vivid blue sky, and fluffy clouds. Truly Inspiring! After the hike back we again rode the boat shuttle, and then moved on to our next landmark : the famous Mormon Row.
At the turn of the 19th century, Mormons sent parties to establish new communities and support their growing population. They settled east of Blacktail Butte and formed houses, schools, etc. there. We took pictures next to the most famous barns there, built by Settlers John and Thomas Moulton. We had a 5 hour ahead of us to our next hotel, so we didn’t waste time and left Grand Teton National Park.